Pur Water Filter

GiardiaClub.com - Giardia and water filters

Pur Water Filter

Pur and other water purification devices have revolutionized drinking water on the trail.



"Pur Water Filter - tips and hints..."
The Editor

To have fewer problems with the Pur water filter it's best to follow a few precautions while in the field.

Pur Water Filter

Pur Hiker Filter is like any other water filter in that it is suseptible to breakdown. There are some things you can to to prolong the life and meet with fewer problems on the trail.

Dirt, sand and particulate matter are the main enemies of the Pur water filter. These usually enter by filtering dirty water. Of course, everyone tries to find the cleanest water they can to begin the filtering process. Sometimes this is impossible. If your only choice is to use really dirty water, which is sometimes the case after a rainstorm when river and streams are brown, you may have to take a little extra time. Fill a liter bottle with water and let it stand for awhile. After the large chunks settle out, you can filter it more easily, and it is less likely to clog the Pur water filter.

Pur Water Filter Tips

One little trick used by some backpackers and hikers is to take along a coffee filter - the same type used in the drip coffee makers. They're cheap and very light weight. Take a rubber band, too. Wrap the filter around the end of the water intake and fasten it in place with the rubber band. It acts as a prefilter and stops the bigger pieces of sand and soil from entering the filter. It helps. And it probably extends the life the of the filter.

Another tip sometimes given for the Pur water filter if it pumps hard is to moisten the inside with water. This can help get the pump started pumping easeir.

Pur Water Filter - the Pur Water filter and kids.


Giardia Club
4220 Brookside Dr
Rapid City, SD 57702


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