Water Bottle Filter

Water Bottle Filter - the newest Technology

water bottle filter trek
  I first got interested in the water bottle filter in the Himalayas

Aqua Mira bottle

 Just dip and drink.


Instant Pure Water...

These are cool. A water bottle filter has two big advantages:

  • A Water Bottle Fitler is the easiest way to purify water.
  • A Water Bottle Filter is the quickest way to drink from a spring, stream or glaicier melt.

With that said, I wouldn't use it solely. There are some times, in fact many times, when you need the killing power of the AquaMira chlorine dioxide to annhilate every living thing in the water. We'll go into details on the next page. For now, we'll stay with the delight of instant, cold stream water...

All you have to do is dip the bottle in the stream to fill it. Then you put the lid on, and drink. Anyone can do it. Even I can do it. And the cost of a good water bottle filter is realtively cheap. You can now just leave one of the old clunker water bottles at home and use a water bottle filter in it's place.

Our Favorite Water Bottle filter

Use in the Himalayas...

I first saw a water bottle filter in use in the Himalayas, believe it or not. It was not far from Phakding, about 10 days walk from the nearest road. Water was pouring down a 10-foot waterfall from Lumding La. I'd like to say the water bottle caught my eye, but actually it was the blonde braids of a trekker from Colorado. She stuck a water bottle into the clear cascade, and was drinking in less than 30 seconds. She told me about it, and how she had been using it for weeks.

Of course, since then we've done a ton of research on many a water bottle filter. Most sell for between $20 and $50. There are absurd mark-ups on some of these. Ours is from AquaMira and is designed specifically for hiking, backpacking and adventure travel. We sell it for $19.89. It's the best our testers have used.

Our testers top pick...

We offer the AquaMira water bottle because it was the top pick of our testers. The ease of use and quality of this water bottle filter impressed all of us. Since we specialize in backpacking and adventure travel water purificaton, and also make less profit, we can offer it at a lower price than other products on the market. $19.89

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water bottle filter for backing Our Backpacking Testers #1 Pick

Where notto use a Water Filter Bottle - more of our
Water Bottle Filter Research


Giardia Water Filters home at GiardiaClub.com
Our AquaMira Research