Giardia Symptoms and the typical Diarrhea
diarrhea tends to be less watery. And usually it is
a mixture of watery feces, with a few semi-solid chunks
mixed in.
I know this sounds rather grotesque, but to have a
better chance of identifying giardia diarrhea as compared
to bacterial diarrhea, you need to know this.
With giardia symptoms diarrhea will continue
over days, weeks and sometimes months. Typically you
will feel the rumbling stomach, the belching, the
gas. Then after you go to the toilet, you feel better.
Those are typical giardia symptoms. generally before
giardia treatment.
Giardia Symptoms
major giardia symptoms - he giardia infected person
often has spells where they feel a bit nauseous. There
is a loss of appetite. Sometimes there is lethargy,
probably from eating less and feeling off the feed,
so to speak.
These symptoms come and go, too. Especially after
the first few days or week of a giardia attack, many
of the symptoms will go away, or almost go away.
You'll think you're over it. Then the giardia symptoms
will return for a day or two. This cycle often goes
on for a month or two. Sometimes the period of remission
gets longer and longer, until the attacks go away
with Giardia Symptoms Diarrhea
thing people seldom think of is how to clean yourself
off after going to the toilet. Giardia is spread by
feces, so make sure hand washing is part of the routine.
Make extra sure the cooks on any outing are washing
their hands well before handling food.
4220 Brookside Dr
Rapid City, SD 57702